Astro - Mitra
From two Greek words, Astro-Mitra means divine matrix or celestial matrix. This is the name that our team gives to an ancient mythological narrative that could be the answer to one of the fundamental questions of comparative mythology. How could the myths of the whole world have flowed from the same prehistoric source without undergoing major distortion?
Sharing our discoveries with a colleague, a notorious prehistorian, he made the following remark to me: "This stabilization of myths requires tangible support, and this is precisely the case with the celestial sphere".
Here is a 12 minutes video that explains the astronomy of the Astro-Mitra (in English with French subtitles).
The Astro-Mitra reveals the use and meaning of universal mythemes (elements of myths). These intersections between mythemes confirm and decode in turn the geometry, the clockwork, and the theology/cosmogony of Astro-Mitra.
The Astro-Mitra has several sections, two of which give the stellar landmarks:
Astro-Mitra ecliptic indicates:
• The 2 poles of the ecliptic
• And the ecliptic line
Astro-Mitra galactic tells:
• The position of the galactic equator
• The 3 border markers between chaos and order
These two types of Astro-Mitra combine to mark terrestrial times such as days, seasons, years, and precession (a more controversial element).
Myths use this combination to tell messages of moral and spiritual value to an individual, a leader, a community, a civilization. For example, the cycle of the seasons recalls the coming of chaos and the exit towards order while speaking of victory over death and access to eternal life.
There would be the third part in Astro-Mitra, that of the movements, and cycles of the moon and the 5 visible planets, but this science is excluded from this web page.
These accounts use the large magnitude star alignments established on the meridian lines of the ecliptic sphere.
In the myths, the angular distances between these repairs are sometimes mentioned explicitly (eg: 1 day of travel ≈ 1 degree of angular distance).
Here is a map of the sky, seen from the earth deployed in equidistant cylindrical projection. The horizontal line is that of the ecliptic. To this line are added the vertical lines and the fractions to form the Astro-Mitra (concise version).

The fractions are arc angles of 90 degrees. Only the denominator 4 is not a divisor of 90 degrees. Meanwhile, the inclination of the earth varies in time around a 1/4 of 90 degrees.

Galactic & Ecliptic elements

Theo-Mitra uses high magnitude stars except for Mintaka which is a highly symbolic stars in the most prominent constellation, Orion.

The fractions are arc angles of 90 degrees. Only the denominator 4 is not a divisor of 90 degrees. Meanwhile, the inclination of the earth varies in time around a 1/4 of 90 degrees.
The ecliptic is the horizon of our solar system. Seen from the earth, the ecliptic is therefore our solar system seen on its edge. It is on this line that we find the sun and has represented the planets and the moon.
So seen from the earth, the ecliptic is a path 'in the stars' on which the 7 wandering stars circulate: Moon, Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn. Neptune, Uranus, and Pluto are not visible to the naked eye.
On the star map, our ancestors placed memo-technical illustrations, the constellations. The ones on the ecliptic are forming the zodiac, a word that means a circle of small animals in Greek.
Here is the movement of the ecliptic as seen from an average latitude on earth. Notice the oscillation movement. To determine the ecliptic line in the stars was a challenge for our ancestors because of this “hula hoop” effect. The Astro-Mitra was a memo-technique guide to find this line.
We make it our duty to make the Astro-Mitra accessible to the general public for three reasons:
1. These primordial and universal stories were intended for all generations including us. As humanity, we are all entitled to this heritage.
2. The numerical and geometric structure of the Astro-Mitra seems to be the result of an architecture recognized beyond the known laws of nature. In other words, no physical or chemical law forces our universe to produce such a matrix.
3. The Astro-Mitra tells messages of moral and spiritual value. Our team has therefore explored the different avenues offered by comparative mythology. We have been challenged by several authors such as René Girard to name just one.
For Aristotle, Greek tragedy and its mythology acted as a catharsis to calm the aggressiveness of citizens. Even the heroes are vulnerable and dangerous there. Like the head of the Medusa, the myths seem to petrify us as if they were the mirror of our dark nature. In a Judeo-Christian context, Saint Paul tells us in his epistle to the Romans that the divine law serves above all to reveal our spiritual-moral weaknesses.
The Astro-Mitra revives the debate on the causes and the purpose of our cosmos. Imagine if the surface of our continents, our oceans, and our mountain ranges would be cut according to the Earth's rotation with meridian and parallel lines that agree with an ideal angular geometry of 3600. In addition, the second series of limits would be superimposed with the 2 tropics and the equator (limits of the position of the sun at the zenith). Since we find no natural law that would determine the earth's crust in this way, we would conclude that there was a designer who created our planet with a purpose. And even if that were the case we would have no spiritual lesson to take away from it except that there is a creator there. To extend the analogy with the Astro-Mitra, let's imagine that this geometry was spiritual teaching common to all ancient civilizations and cultures, but that it was forgotten... until the day of its rediscovery. But unlike our illustration…
… the earth's surface is shaped by tectonic and geological forces that are simply natural. If the celestial mechanics is well predetermined according to Astro-Mitra, we will have to contemplate a 3D architecture involving star positions on a scale of light-years. Moreover, to be seen from the earth with spiritual teaching.
Just a reminder, how many astronomers are amazed at the precision of the distances and sizes of the sun and the moon are such that their apparent dimensions are identical in the terrestrial sky. Thus, solar eclipses reveal spectacular solar coronas. In the entire solar system, no such sight is present on the other planets.
Science always relies on consensus to flush out confirmation bias.
The discovery of Astro-Mitra should not escape this rule. This is why we have initiated exchange processes with statisticians to determine if this matrix is ​​only random. If this is the case, this would mean that our distant prehistoric ancestors would have opportunistically exploited the location of fortuitously positioned large magnitude stars to locate the elements of the ecliptic to predict the movement of the 5 planets visible in the sky. naked eye and that of the moon and the sun.
Here is a concise table of the high-magnitude stars of the Astro-Mitra. Each pair of stars traces a meridian of the ecliptic grid. Mintaka has not a great magnitude however it is located on a strategic position in Orion, the most prominent constellation of the sky.
Since the Enlightenment, our minds large and small have innovated and explored many philosophies and new religions and beliefs.
The discovery of Astro-Mitra will undoubtedly confirm or undermine some of these modern schools of thought. This matrix will help to understand the thought and beliefs of distant ancestors.