Research on Carnac's alignments
Several observers like National Geographic consider Carnac alignments as one of the greatest mystery of modern time archeology. There are several alignments of menhirs. These standing stone are that number in the thousands forming lines extend for several kilometers. These megaliths of the Neolithic are more intriguing than Stonehenge. Stonehenge is a circle of cut stones in which one can easily recognize solar alignments (solstices, equinoxes). Until recently Carnac resists to any astronomical hypotheses. Note that the astronomical nature of Carnac was already recognized by many archaeologists. In addition, it is well accepted that the megalithic culture in Europe is well based on celestial movements.

My fascination for Carnac began in my youth in Canada far from Brittany. At twelve, I dreamed of being an astronomer or prehistorian. I was fascinated by the alignments of Carnac having only seen them in books. Fate wanted me to become a geological engineer which is well suited to an adventurer living in a mining land. I returned to astronomy because of my work on seismology and archeology during my 15 years in Turkey. In 2014, I began to study Carnac studying the records of the famous Alexander Thom and checking Howard Crowhurst's approach.
And then in 2014, I came across a conference of the astrophysicist André Maucherat put on YouTube. I immediately studied his work to discover a theory that finally seemed quite solid to me. Unfortunately, his theory is still little known.The conference was organized by Research et Avenir, and was amateurly filmed, May 4, 2013 in Nice. In my enthusiasm I invited a friend to watch the video conference. He did not have the patience because of the poor image and sound. This colleague is an astronomer at the Observatoire de Paris ... he will read the book he said ... I was highly motivated to refilm Maucherat’s lecture with a professional production.
In the spring of 2016, I use the Stellarium program to check the part of his thesis on Ménec Ouest. To my great surprise Alexander Thom's survey fit the movement of the ecliptic in the spring of 4392 BC.The ecliptic is the line on which the planets, the moon and the sun travel on our celestial vault. The ancients could trace it on the sky using two planets. In Carnac our ancestors would have used Venus and Jupiter just after sunset from March 21 to April 1, 4392 BC. The 12 lines of Ménec West correspond to these 12 days.
Here is the result: a 4 minutes animation:
From there, André Maucherat and I began some amazing exchanges. A more professional filmed conference was needed. I keep in mind to make a documentary in several languages. On May 2, 2017, I was filming André Maucherat’s lecture adding Acheodoxa 3D animations. Here are 3 of the 4 episodes... Each video lasts about 20 minutes.The conference was organized by l'Association Archéologique Méditerranéenne at the Médiathèque Nelson Mandela of Gardanne. The 3D animations help all to comprehend difficult astronomical notions. In the end, the colleague of the Observatoire de Paris took the time to listen to the 3 videos to tell me: "I just watched this excellent conference which gives an interpretation of the most sensible alignment of Carnac on a strictly astronomical level. "
The Carnac Alignments: Part 1 - Introduction (with English subtitles)
The Carnac Alignments - Part 2 - West Menec (with English subtitles)
The Carnac Alignments - Part 3
Surprisingly, Little Menec displays the 440 azimuth which corresponds to the rise of the full Moon at its standstill (every 18.6 years) but specifically at the winter solstice which is a 30-year cycle event. This event was celebrated in Egypt during the so call Sed festival
The Carnac Alignments - Part 4 - Cromlechs & Mythology
In conclusion of the 3 previous videos our speaker interprets the site of Carnac and the European cromlechs (circles of stones) in the light of Egyptian mythology and the study of the arcs of Lowitz.